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Let's talk about jail breaking in iPhone and iPod Touch

Well, this time I am going to change the topic a little bit... I want to have a little writing on stuff of iPhone and iPod touch. Well, its mainly about the "jailbreaking" those apple devices. For the people who have heard about it you do not need to read this paragraph anymore but you may want to continue reading from next paragraph. Well Jailbreaking an Apple device means, as the name suggests, you are breaking the shackles the apple provides in you device. The things like one way copy(means you can only transfer from your Computer to Device but cannot get back to computer from it) and other things like you have to have the same boring black background everytime and same theme for your device and only limited applications are allowed in your device. Personally I like jail broken devices because it really makes me feel like coming out of the jail. So, it is like changing your apple device or let's say combining apple device with windows.

Now as for everything things there are pros and cons. So are there for a jailbroken apple device. So, lets talk about these things here.
 What do you want to know first? Bad things or the good things of a jailbroken device? Well, I would say, I prefer telling the bad news first. So, lets start with those things.

Bad Things for jail-broken Device
  1. They are jail-broken, that means they void the warranty from the device manufacturer. But if your device is already 1 year old then this does not apply.
  2. The apple device after jail-broken start to download a kind of virus( or lets say that a adware because it has more property like adware than a virus) that creates a invisible black space, which is not really a black space but a bookmark. So, when you click that it will open up the safari and open that web-page. But you can easily delete that too. So, its not a big deal I think to have that adware in your device.
  3. And another bad thing is that I cannot think of any other bad things that would actually happen to your device. ;-)
Good Things for jail-broken device
  1. You can send songs or movies or whatever from your device to your computer!!! ( I think this is the best part, because a non-jail-broken device doesnot do that. And I once had to completely reformat my computer, and lost everything form it including all the songs and movies. And this jail-breaking thing was really a rescuer for me at that time.
  2. You will have all cool and new wallpapers( or video wallpapers), great video ringtones, huge number for themes. and many different kind of widgets, tweaks, utilities, fonts and many more things to download. 
  3. You will even have the pages in the lock-screen. You can directly send the sms and your lock screen, search google, pur weather meter in lock screen and do a lot of other things.
  4. Believe me, it more fum to have a jail broken device  and if you dont like all those stuffs, then you can easily uninstall that in a very small time. 
Jail Broken has been easier and easier all the time. If you are thinking to do that, then just send me an email, I will reply you with all the instructions and the required softwares right to your email. And if you are thinking about time it takes to jail-break, then I would say something like 30 seconds to do that. So, I think that jail breaking is cool and fun. I enjoy my iPod Touch much more now then I used to do it before.
So, if you think the same, email me...... 

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